





sous devlog #4 - databases. again


Today, rather yesterday, was supposed to be the launch of a closed beta testing for sous.

Instead, we find ourselves sleep deprived at 1 AM, remembering that we hadn't changed our database from SQLite yet.

For those unfamiliar, SQLite is amazing for early development and in situations where there will be a single user interacting with the database at a time. However, people condemn SQLite for production purposes because it lacks a fundamental database standard in modern databases, which is concurrency.

Essentially, SQLite doesn't like it when more than one user is messing with the database at the same time and doesn't handle it well. One could go into the topic of locks and transactions, but the gist is that it's bad for an application with multiple concurrent users.

So, we're gonna have to redo it.

For now, that means we're remaking all of our API calls from the client side into routes using Next.js' route handlers. For now, we're also going to make use of their Postgres database as well.

This means our backend is no longer a separate Express application, which was unfortunately a result of the SQLite hindrance and difficulty finding a proper hosting platform.

See you tomorrow for the hopeful release of Sous' first beta testing though.